Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I just have to say I am now a big fan of Kroger. Despite all of its many undesirable features, you can really get a deal there. In fact my deep freeze is now fully stocked with poultry. All natural, antibiotic and hormone free. I was looking for ground lamb, but the first Kroger didn't have any in stock anymore-- instead they had the previously mentioned chicken for $1.99 lb for boneless skinless chicken breast. So swooped in and grabbed almost all they had. By the way if you do this other shoppers will gather, you must be decisive in what you want or they will decimate the supply of whatever sale thing before you make up your mind. While I was there I did a bit more looking around and found roaster chickens also on sale, again all natural hormone free. This particular Kroger also had the cage free, grain fed eggs on sale too. I think I am misleading you when I say on sale, these are all manager specials meaning that my total at the end was equal to the YOU SAVED part on the bottom of your receipt.

After not finding the ground lamb, I finally ventured over to the local butcher. My sister in tow for support. The first venture into something new requires support. They are very nice. Their prices are not great. They had no lamb.

This butcher is by a different Kroger, so I thought perhaps I would check there, since the other Kroger was just out of stock. They also had the fabulous chicken sale, BUT marked down again for 1.49 lb. This chicken looked old, I'm a fan of a good deal, but if you would have to cook this asap, it wouldn't have kept in the freezer. It had started to get all of that extra juice in the package, those are not the best packages to choose. Instead I bought two of the all natural, hormone, anti-biotic, cage free turkeys. The regular ones were even more on sale, but the whole point of stopping our Sam's Club membership was to get more of the natural organic meats and produce. AND yes they had ground lamb, on sale: 1.99 lb.

1 comment:

  1. $1.99!?! I ended up going to Publix for it, and it was 5.99/lb. Yuck! I am a huge Kroger fan, though, because I can always find something on Manager Special. The ghetto Kroger down the street from my house is a good place to find organic butter, raw milk cheese, and free-range eggs for the same price as their conventional counterparts.

    Sometimes Costco has organic meats...if you want to, we can check it out after the thrift store on Monday. I haven't seen any in awhile, though.
