Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mason Jar Blender

So I was lamenting that my blender was dirty and in the dishwasher, because I can't clean it any other way without slicing my fingers, same with the food processor. When I decided to look into the Magic Bullet, again. And, again, it was just too expensive and too plastic to work for me. But those interchangeable cups as sooo appealing. So I continued to search and began to find cheaper versions of the same thing, and then some lovely mason jar blender offered at Target.... Glass interchangeable cups, that I could have as many as I want or needed.... but it was MORE expensive than the Magic Bullet. So I started searching for mason jar blenders.

They exist. And have existed for 50 plus years. You have one.

It is all some lie and vast conspiracy to remove from the owner manuals that you can use a mason jar to chop nuts with your blender, or to blend smaller batches of stuff, OR as a REPLACEMENT for your broken blender top!!!!

So I am going to use my new Mason Jar Blender, for free, and enjoy it immensely.

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