Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Peach Pit Jelly

I got what sounded like a great deal on organic peaches, 60 for $20. That's 3 for a dollar. Sigh, I had to throw a few out. So after eating a few fresh peaches the rest were peeled and chopped and frozen. The peels and pits were made into jelly:

Peach Pit Jelly
Cover peach peels and pits with 2" water. Bring to boil, 30 min, then let sit overnight. Strain and measure.

4 c peach juice
5 c sugar
1 pkg pectin

Bring juice to boil, reduce if necessary to 4 c. Add pectin, bring to boil. Add sugar, bring back to boil. Boil 1 minute, jelly should begin to foam and 'sheet'. Skim off foam, pour into jars. 10 minute water bath.

Okay. This was my first experience canning. And I have to say it is NERVE WRACKING. I'm glad I had such no nonsense, straightforward jelly making instructions. So in that spirit here are my canning instructions--

How To Can:
Put mason jars in dishwasher, wash. Hand wash lids and rings. Move clean mason jars to water bath pot, and boil to sterilize. LEAVE JARS THERE until a few minutes before you are ready to pour stuff into them. Take jars out using jar tongs, pour the water in the jar back into pot, set the jars out on clean dish towel. Dump laddle, funnel, lids, and rings into water bath pot. Remove all from water bath JUST before you are ready to put stuff into the jars. And that is just the prep.

Put clean funnel on first jar, use ladle to ladle in yummy homemade goodness. Place lid on jar, then ring, and tighten. Repeat. Put all jars in water bath pot, bring to boil. Boil for whatever time your recipe calls for adjusted to your altitude. Remove jars from pot.

Take a deep breath, you're done, DO NOT PANIC when your jars start making noises. Loud popping noises. This is good, it means they have sealed. Leave them on the counter, check in 24 hours to make sure they have sealed, and then remove the rings. If they haven't sealed, refrigerate them, and give them to everyone you know to eat fresh for the next 3 weeks.

P.S. Peach pits do contain cyanide. Sort of. They contain a compound that when mixed with digestive acids releases cyanide gas. There are no ground up pits in this, but I couldn't find any information on whether the jelly would have those compounds in it. No one has died from peach pit jelly that I know of, and people (the same people) keep making and eating it.

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